Sunday, October 15, 2006

My Present Time Sponge

So there are three reasons why I haven't been posting much on my blog as of late:

1) Being busier than I have been in months.
2) Fatigue/counter-laziness from being busy.
3) Devoting large chunks of my spare time to watching Curb Your Enthusiasm on DVD.

Prior to Tuesday, I'd seen most the episodes of this wonderful series. Thanks to the fact that I was able to get Seasons 1 & 2 at (where else?) Best Buy for just twenty bucks each, I can now say I've seen every single one.

Simply put, I love this show. On one hand, it fills the void left by the cancellation of Larry David's previous series Seinfeld. Curb Your Enthusiasm has essentially the same style of humor as its predecessor, yet it is also a distinct enough product so as not to feel like a simple retread of the "nothing" we've seen before.

What I especially enjoy is the way in which this pseudo-real depiction of Larry David's life continually draws attention to the absurdity that exists at the very core of every day social practices. Equally as engaging is the way in which it demonstrates that the misfortune that befalls each of us from time to time is only rarely pure misfortune. Most often it is the result of unpleasant circumstances beyond our control converging with our own poor choices.

Maybe some day I'll write a more extended post about what deeper merit I find in the show. However, tonight I am quite tired and ready to stop typing. I just wanted you all to know that I've had (what I consider to be) a high quality excuse for not being so chatty as of late.

Don't worry...I now have three partial drafts of more substantial reflections fermenting in the cellar of my blog. Thank you for your patience.

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