Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dark Campaign

As many of you know, the only entertainment awards show I still give a rip about is the Oscars. But this Movie Year, I saw pretty much none of the movies that are getting the most Oscar buzz, and the more I read the hype about most of those films, the less I want to see any of them. Of the movies I DID see, "The Dark Knight" was the one I thought was most solid through and through. I'm not going to give a case here for why I thought that was. Instead I want to remind those of you who might share my opinion that films based on comic book aren't exactly popular with the Academy. Sure, they certainly stand more of a chance in this post-"Return of the King" world, but the very idea of a movie like "The Dark Knight" being nominated for Best Picture is outright laughable to the self-styled "serious" moviegoer.

The following video comes from Dark Campain,"an unofficial grassroots effort" aimed at bringing the movie the Oscar attention its organizers believe it deserves. Take a look at it and consider joining the campaign's group on Facebook. I just did.