Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bringing the Point Home

Dave Scott, April 2005

Dave Scott, October 2006

Now that I've beat this subject to death, I promise my next post will be about something that amuses more people than merely myself.


Beth said...

I laughed really loud and hard.
That was a surprise.
You are not a behemoth.
Quit disparaging yourself.
I miss you, and you are funny.
Quit being so far away!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I laughed so hard people were staring at me. It's in my nature. Still, funny stuff.

From where did the troll picture come?

Dave Scott said...

I'm glad the cave troll picture is getting such big laughs. I'd actually tired to put it at the end of my Moby Dick post, but Blogger wasn't cooperating that day (cf. "You Got Lucky").

Am I being self-effacing? Most certainly. Am I really thinking that much less of myself because of the extra love in my handles? Not really. I've always found fatiness to be a humorous topic. But if you're going to joke about someone being fatty, it's always safest to joke about yourself.

As for the photo, I found it using Google Image Search. I think this giant model of the troll was part of LOTR exhibit in Wellington, New Zealand. Wouldn't it be hilarious if that was a permanent fixture in some public square? It may very well be knowing how proud the Kiwis are of Peter Jackson.