Thursday, January 11, 2007


I've managed to complete a number of things this week. On Monday, I FedEx-ed the last of my application materials to Denver, which means I am completely finished with all that Ph.D. stuff. This fact comes as a huge relief to me personally because this task has been hanging over my head pretty much since I graduated from Candler in May.

At about 2am that same morning, I finished my reading of Stephen King's Cell. The book was much less freaky for it's last 100 pages than it was during the portion I previously discussed. All in all, it was a good read and a fine Christmas present.

I also finished watching 24 Season 2 yesterday. I finally saw an even numbered season! Whoohoo! Because I wasn't able to secure a sub position until today, I've had plenty of time to enjoy many consecutive hours of Jack Bauer power. That's really all I did on Tuesday. Now all I need is to watch Season 4 and I will have seen every episode that's been aired to date.

But with recent endings also come new beginnings...

I need to schedule campus visits for the two Ph.D. programs I've applied to. My hope is that I can coordinate my visit to Nashville, TN with a return trip to the ATL. I'll have to talk to the admissions office at Vandy as well as Dana and Beth to see if I can make this happen.

I need to keep reading. Nick and I have been discussing reading through two books together...books of the theological variety. And now that I've been able to put my academic/super-nerd persona aside for nearly 8 months now, I think I've finally rested long enough to reassume it. I think that next I'll bust into a volume on God and time I received for Christmas about 4 years ago.

And, finally, Season 6 of 24 starts Sunday. I'm so stoked, man! Although, it will be fairly strange to re-enter Jack's world after so many old school characters were killed off last time around. I'm also not too terribly hot on the idea of Wayne Palmer being president or the fact that Kumar has been added to the cast of the uber-drama. However, the additions of Farmer Hoggett as Jack's dad and Curly Bill as the VP should more than compensate for less promising changes.

2007 is starting out quite nicely for this guy.

1 comment:

Dana B said...

As you know, we have 13 non-floor sleeping accomodations in our apartment, and only 3 of us slumber regularly there. You are welcome to your choice of the other 10 anytime.