Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thanks Friends

After my last couple of posts about the GRE, I felt I should thank all of you- my wonderful friends -who have been bearing with me over the last couple weeks. To Erin, Dustin, and Aaron: Thank you for patiently withstanding all my anxious questions about how you studied for the exam, your experience taking it, and what you've heard professors say about the test's importance.

In addition to these three friends, I also thank Dana, Beth, Susan, Perry, and anyone else who has made the effort to encourage me during my preparations. One way in which my soul is polarized is that one of the areas of life where I excel the most (academics) is also one of the areas of life where I am at my least confident. I greatly appreciate all of you who have continued to stand beside me as I've struggled with self-doubt and anxiety over the challenges I'm facing. I hope to take your strength into the testing room with me tomorrow morning.

To close, I'll offer one last update on my studies for the GRE. This morning I took a practice test to see what kind of score I might expect to get on Friday. The result was a score of 680 on the Quantitative (Math) Section and 630 on the Verbal.

I have a few quick observations to share on these stats:
1) It cracks me up that I did better on the Math section than the Verbal. Apparently I am more competant in subject matter I've been away from for 6 years than I am in the material I need to master for this exam. At this amusing tidbit, I can only shrug and move on.

2) If I didn't have the concerns I expressed yesterday, I would be perfectly content with these scores.

3) A verbal score of 630 is below the "Johnson Cut Off" of 700, but it is still respectable. The truly worrisome part of me expected to score somewhere in the high 500's. If I can do this well tomorrow, hopefully that result won't to keep me out of the programs I will apply to.

I'll be sure to share how the real test goes down. Once more, thanks again for your unwavering support of Dave Scott.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anytime Dave, good luck.

One final bit of advice...Be the Brady (Tom Brady that is)
