Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Holiday Classic Revisited

I bet there's one big ass wishbone inside that bird.


Beth said...

Such a sad cartoon, Dave Scott!

I should have called you. I sat around for quite a while waiting.

You called me "mama" in your comment, like Slater called Jessie.

Rock on.
Happy Turkey Day, DS.
You are missed.

Dave Scott said...

Very perceptive, Beth. I was totally channeling the spirit of A.C. Slater when I addressed you as "mama." (Use my link to visit "Procrastinate with Me" if you're oblivious to what we're talking about.) I assure you that's not something I do often.

However, I think Slater was in my subconscious since Mario Lopez has been on TV a lot lately due to his appearances on "Dancing with the Stars." I don't watch that show, but clips have been on SportsCenter since Emmitt Smith won the whole shebang.

Beth said...

Sure, you don't watch it... I believe you.

Dude, it's been a while since you updated the world on your existence via this blurg.
Chop chop.