Wednesday, December 06, 2006

More Random Stuff

1) "Those are not for eating! Those are weapons of death."

I wish I could say that I came up with the above quote. However, my honest bones compel me to confess that its author is none other than Mr. Aaron Homoya. Usually a subdued personality, Aaron still has a healthy sense of humor. He crafted this gem during a conversation we had at church a couple of weeks ago.

The church we attend, Redeemer Presbyterian, shares its facilities with the Harrison Center for the Arts. In fact, the time of donuts and fellowship that follows each morning service takes place in one of the Center's galleries. One display that has been up for many weeks now is comprised of 6-8 grenades made of sugar. They essentially look like giant grenade-shaped gumdrops. Because they are equally as colorful as gumdrops, children are often drawn to the pedastel on which they are displayed. Aaron and I facetiously say that one day a kid's going to reach up, pluck a candied grenade from the cluster and attempt to take a bite out of it. This is the context that gave birth to Aaron's hilarious utterance.

2) 24 is one of the best shows in the entire history of television!

When I was a kid, about 10-12 years old, I thought Kiefer Sutherland was one of the coolest actors on the face of the planet. I was a particularly big fan of Flatliners and The Lost Boys. For some reason, I grew out of my infatuation with the younger Sutherland soon thereafter. And I apparently wasn't the only one. Kiefer didn't get many big ticket roles throughout the 90's, doing primarily small, cult films like Freeway and Truth or Consequences, NM.

But Kiefer returned to mainstream glory via TV in the innovative action/drama series 24. I must confess, I never watched an episode of the program until last year's Season 5. Because I knew one season equalled one mammoth adventure, I was always reluctant to just jump into a season already in progress. But thanks to some 24 loyalists from Kentucky, I was urged to watch last season from the premiere and I caught nearly every single episode after that.

And, as you can tell, I'm so happy I've rediscovered the Son of Donald. Counter-Terrorism agent Jack Bauer epitomizes the kick-ass, man's man action hero that the supersensitivity of politicial correctness had all but killed off. (Will this American patriot negotiate with terrorists? Hell no, bitches!) I am presently two-thirds of the way through the DVD set for Season Three, and I'm loving it just as much as Seasons One and Five. In the near future, I'll have to watch the even numbered seasons as well.

3) A sore throat and teaching grade school is a bad combination. After spending the weekend feeling like my throat tissue had magically converted to sand paper, I though I was well enough yesterday to go back to work. I was mostly right. When the kids were good, I felt fine. But after these 10 and 11 year-old brats flipped out on me in the afternoon, all the yelling at them I had to do did a number on my still recovering throat. I spent the morning hacking up the bloodiest mucous I have ever seen come out of my physical person.

I'm feeling much better now, thank God.

...I'm off to watch a few more episodes of Season 3 before bed. Adios.


Anonymous said...

bloddy mucus....yumm

Erin said...

Yeah, I'm with Dustin on that. Didn't need to know about your mucus ... or your blood ... or the combination of the two.
