Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More Revisionist History...and a Couch!

So let's get the bad news out of the way. The Colts lost their first playoff game at home Sunday. They didn't look awful but they certainly looked far from good and they lost to the Chargers for the second time this season. No AFC Championship rematch with the Patriots, no opportunity to repeat as Super Bowl champions. Nada. 'Nuff Said.

A second matter: I HAVE A COUCH!!! I bought it on Thursday and it was delivered on Friday morning. I've already had friends over three times since I purchased it, and I'm relieved that I can now invite people over to my place without hesitation. Next up: A new bed!

Finally, I wanted to share a few more items from Non Campus Mentis: World History according to College Students. In the book's conclusion, Prof. Anders Henriksson states that, "It is probably safe to assume that every American college freshman knows the following:

1) At some point in the distant past the United States fought a war of independence against a major European or Asian power. An extraordinary Tea Party was a factor.

2) George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy, and Richard Nixon served as presidents of the United States. Washington was the first president and Lincoln also served a long time ago, while the latter two were in the twentieth century. Ronald Reagan and George Bush the First were more recent occupants of the Oval Office. (Jimmy Carter is already off the radar screen for more than a few young scholars of the 2000s.)

3) The United States still suffers from the horrors of its slaveholding past, whenever that was. The Civil War, which took place some time between 1750 and 1930, was mixed up with this.

4) Adolf Hitler (a foreigner of some kind) was a very bad man.

5) There was at least one World War, but absolutely not more than three."

Here's a comment about 20th Century Asia:

"Dim El Sum ruled as 'Head Coucho' of North Korea. China had so many Chinese that forced birth patrol became required. This is where people are allowed to reproduce no more than one half of themselves. Manifest Destiny is China yarning to embrace Thai Won as a kind of imperialist forplay."

And, to conclude, here are some reflections on the Civil Rights movement to get you ready for MLK Day:

"The Civil Rights movement in the USA turned around the corner with Martin Luther Junior's famous 'If I Had a Hammer' speech. Martian Luther King's four steps to direct action included self purification, when you allow yourself to be eaten to a pulp. The wealing and dealing of President Lynda B. Johnson was another important factor."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If I had a hammer"? Oy, that was funny!